Team Red Jersey

We have authorization to offer a Special Limited Edition Jersey for Team Red in San Diego.

Team Red in San Diego has been authorized by the national offices of the Tour de Cure to create and issue a cycling jersey for Team Red. San Diego is being granted this opportunity as a ‘test market’ to see if having a chance to earn a special jersey to wear on event day will have a positive effect on fundraising among members of Team Red.

Here are the particulars:

  1. You must be a member of Team Red, in San Diego.
  2. You must raise $500 in donations.

Easy Peazy!

Oh, further details; at $500 you will actually have to choose whether you would like to receive the Team Red 20th Anniversary jersey only available to members of Team Red in San Diego, or whether you would like to receive your choice of the usual $500 level fundraising gifts such as the same fundraising jersey that everyone else across the country in all 83 tours will be eligible to receive.

But hope springs eternal! If you raise $1000 or more you will get the fantastically unique Team Red jersey and may also choose to receive the beautiful annual fundraising jersey as well. We’re so lucky to be on Team Red in San Diego.

You have all seen the front of the jersey in my author’s picture. Yes, it is on every post, no I’m not that narcissistic, it is there to make the iPhone app we are developing for Tour de Cure San Diego import these blog posts correctly until we find another way around the problem. Oops, loose lips… Until then enjoy my smiling face on all posts. I have included pictures of the rest of the jersey for your enjoyment.


Full Frontal

You've seen this side before.


Side View

Both sides have the same image.

Rear View

The Logo is fantastic on the back!

So there you have it. Let me know what you think in the comments section. Our enthusiasm for this benefit of being a member of Team Red will decide whether or not the test marketing of the idea is successful or not.

It is great to be Co-Captain of Team Red, I know we will rock the fundraising and make this year the best Tour de Cure in San Diego yet.


  1. The jersey rocks, I want one!!!

  2. cool jersey…

  3. WOW Ben. These are HOT!!! *Want*

  4. That’s the jersey I want.

  5. Awesome, Sign me up!

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